Using AI To Identify The Perfect Partnerships For Your Brand

Your brand has a personality. It tells people who you are. It’s the driving force behind your brand experience, what makes your brand unique, and how you connect with your consumers. Wendy’s is tongue-in-cheek; while Nike is inspiring and Delta is friendly.

Brand personalities resonate with people. Brands that embrace their personality are found to be easier to remember and identify and consumers are more loyal when they feel connected to a brand. If your brand is still developing your personality, there’s the Aaker brand personality model that can guide you. This posits five key dimensions that companies can use to establish their brand:

1) Excitement: Are you daring? Trendy? Modern? Spirited? Contemporary?

2) Sincerity: Are you down-to-earth? Family-oriented? Honest and transparent? Folksy?

3) Ruggedness: Are you bold? Daring? Tough?

4) Competence: Are you hard-working? Secure? Confident? Intelligent?

5) Sophistication: Are you charming? Exclusive?

Learning About Your Audience

Pick one of the dimensions and focus on it. You can also look to your audience:

- Who is your audience?

- What do they relate to?

- What traits do they share?

- How do they use and relate to your products?

- How do they communicate with you?

- When you communicate back, what resonates best?

Once you’ve narrowed down how your brand is represented, you can start seeking partners and influencers to speak on your behalf. Having representatives who know how to help stay on-brand for you is crucial. This is often accomplished by producing brand guidelines and style guides and monitoring partners and influencers’ work. However, AI can drastically save you time. We’ve partnered with IBM to build out an incredibly robust Audience Analyser. We take your content, run it through our Natural Language Processor for analysis.

What comes out is a comprehensive report. We break down over the major different traits (out of 50) that are most prominent in your audience. Then, we seek out brands and influencers that match those traits. This means when you partner with someone or a brand, you know that the way they speak and act already is on point for your branding. And the audience they attract will already be interested and primed for what your company provides.

Want to learn more? Take our Audience Analyser for a test drive!

Published on 2021-05-27 12:54:39