
Audience Intelligence
for life Sciences

Data-Driven AI and Human Insights, helping
answer healthcare's toughest questions.


Combining AI & Social Data
to Provide Deep Actionable Insights
for Patients and HCPs

We leverage AI-driven social intelligence to offer Life Science companies an in-depth, data-driven understanding of both patients and Healthcare Professionals. Our actionable insights enable healthcare brands to engage more effectively with their target audiences while also informing the development of more tailored treatments and products.

Turning Data Into Actionable Insights


Artificial intelligence is revolutionising the way pharmaceutical and life science organisations create content and connect with their audiences. To leverage the full potential of AI, a company's social media strategy and organisation must be in top shape. That's where the Social Maturity Score comes in.

The Social Maturity Score is a comprehensive assessment designed specifically for the life science industry. By evaluating social media capabilities across five key areas - People & Skills, Process, Technology, Impact, and Vision & Communication - it provides a clear understanding of an organisation's readiness to adopt generative AI for content creation.

The Social Maturity Score helps organisations

The Social Maturity Score
helps organisations

Assess their AI readiness

Assess their AI readiness

Optimise their social media foundation

Optimise their social media foundation

Benchmark against industry leaders

Benchmark against industry leaders

Mitigate Risk and ensure compliance

Mitigate Risk and ensure compliance

Maximise their AI investment

Maximise their AI investment

Do not let your organisation get
left behind in the AI revolution

Contact Buzz Radar today to learn more about how the Social Maturity Score can help pharmaceutical and life science companies prepare for the future of social media.

ViiV Healthcare Case Study

Learn how we leveraged social data and AI to assist ViiV Healthcare in gaining a deeper understanding of the HIV/AIDS treatment community, and crafted a content strategy that effectively resonates with their target audience.