Bringing the Second Screen to the Main Screen at Events

Look around you next time you attend an event - conference, music, sporting -  chances are a fair percent of your fellow humans are tweeting, and on Facebook & Instagram ... with people not present. With the explosion in the use of social media, the very essence of an event has shifted focus from engaging the people at the event to engaging a much wider audience.  But most of those conversations become fragmented in the ether.

The next evolution in event social media is to bring all these conversations together in real-time, converging remote and in-person participant media, by using real-time social media visualizations, a key new technology for engaging with audiences.

This last June, Buzzradar witnessed and enabled this convergence at several spots around the 2013 Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity.

The Bigger Picture

Collecting, collating and broadcasting all the buzz, lifts the subnet of conversation off the small screen and onto shared screens enabling participants to see the bigger picture ultimately giving conversations more cohesion.  Seeing all conversations come together in real-time captures attention, builds audience engagement, and starts conversations which are further unified by promoted hashtags.

During the Cannes Lions Festival, we created for Clear Channel, the largest Twitter & Instagram wall ever! even larger than Twitter’s.


Clear Channel's Largest Twitter Wall Ever

Interaction with the Podium.

Live social media adds a new dimension to keynotes and panels and is practical too.  Not only will using social visualizations for Q&A allow the guy with the mic to finally take a seat, but speakers can interact with the audience to enliven their talks.

At Cannes, actor Jack Black read live tweets during his keynote:


Adobe and real-time feeds during TED Talk: There is Magic In the Future:


Gamifying Events

Brands get competitive at Cannes.

Ogilvy @ Cannes

From the 2013 #CANNESLIONS, Ogilvy & Mather Impact

Click here for more information on our event products.

Published on 2013-07-18 15:37:14